Friday, May 20, 2016

One Direction Concert

I don't think I have ever told this to anyone so I decided to say it here. So on July 11, 2015, my sister and I went to the One Direction concert. That would be the first time I would ever seen them live and I was ecstatic to see them. There were a lot of girls because we are crazy for One Direction so when you got there you had to squish your way through a huge crowd to try to find your section. Our section was like the middle of the stadium so you had to climb a lot of stairs. So we were facing everyone who were seated already while we were climbing the stairs. I was wearing like boots that had heels so it was pretty hard for me to get through all of the stairs. I was thinking to myself to not fall on the stairs in front of everyone and I think I jinxed it because I fell in front of everyone who were already seated. When I get really embarrassed, my face turns really red and I feel like my face super hot. That is how I felt when I fell. But it was cool because everybody makes mistakes. Everybody has those days. Everybody knows what, what I'm talking about. Everybody gets that way. I wonder if anyone will understand that but anyways that's the story of me embarrassing myself in front of people. As usual.

Flag Football and First Grade

I have a lot of embarrassing moments everyday so I thought I would share them with you guys. I hope you guys can maybe relate to these and know you are not alone. So last week I was in physical education and we were playing flag football. So my team was blue and the other team was yellow. It was our turn to have the ball and the kid said hike so I went as far as I could. A kid got a ball and started running as fast as he could. I ran to him and got his flag. Because I didn't see his face, I didn't notice that he was in my team. I actually don't have no idea why I got his flag to be honest. The kid just stopped and looked at me and asked me what I was doing. I was so embarrassed and I didn't know what to do because my team was screaming at me. Awkward moments like these I just laugh it off because I didn't know how to act. My P.E. teacher just started laughing at me so I had to act cool. For the rest of the day, I felt so embarrassed but you know I had to move on in life.

In first grade, we were doing this activity where you had to rotate all the time. I had to go to the bathroom so bad so I asked my teacher if I could use the restroom. She let me go to the bathroom and when I was almost there, I stopped and told myself that I was not going to make it to the bathroom. I went back to my classroom and sat down next to my friend. I couldn't hold it anymore so I just peed on the carpet. I was so shocked and embarrassed that I ran to the office and started crying. The good thing is that nobody ever found out it was me.( I think)

My P.E. Shorts

So this story is actually pretty recent. So I have fourth period Physical Education (P.E) and we usually change pretty fast. Sometimes I change quicker than everybody else because the bathrooms are always being used so you have to change fast to be able to use the bathroom and be on time to stretch. So I changed really fast and then used the bathroom. I was going to get on my roll call number because that is where we stretch and I was happy because I actually got to use the bathroom. I was just walking casually like everything was normal when I heard some one call my name. I turned around and saw my friend. She ran to me and told if I noticed something unusual. I looked around trying to see if she did something different on herself but I didn't notice anything different. She then told me "Ana...your P.E. shorts are backwards." I JUST WALKED IN FRONT OF LIKE MOST OF THE KIDS IN MY CLASS AND I HAD MY SHORTS BACKWARDS. I literally ran to the locker room and changed my shorts to the correct way and just walked out acting like nothing happened.

Remember to make sure you are wearing your clothing the correct way because it will be very embarrassing walking around casually with your clothing the wrong way.  

Thursday, May 19, 2016

The District

There was a time where my school thought that the district would be closing our school because of a charter school that invaded our campus. To make sure we wouldn't be closed down, we had to go to the district to show that we were an amazing school. The school encouraged the parents and the students to go and show their support. My mom and I decided to go to the district to support my school. When we got there, there were A LOT of people there. I was surprised because I didn't think there would be this much people. Most of the teachers in my school were there and only a kid from my class, his mom,and my mom and I showed up to go support our school. Compared to the other schools we had a little bit of people. Anyways, since we had to say why or school should not be closed down, my teacher told me if I could say something to the district members. When you talk, you have to stand by a microphone and you have to stand up in front and face the district members. So my school was one of the first schools to speak and I was nervous and shaking because I didn't even know what I was going to say. The kid that came with his mom was also asked to speak but he's too shy so he didn't speak. So it was finally our turn to talk and I felt so nervous because the teachers depended on me to speak great about our school. My teacher was behind me when I was speaking. I don't even remember what I was saying but all of a sudden, I STARTED CRYING! THERE WERE AT LEAST MORE THAN 200 PEOPLE IN THE ROOM WATCHING ME  CRYING FOR NO REASON PLUS THE IMPORTANT DISTRICT MEMBERS. I think I started crying because I was so nervous. I couldn't control my cries and I couldn't even speak anymore. Since my teacher was behind me patting my back, she just screamed "4.0 student!" and everyone started clapping and cheering. I was so confused, embarrassed, and shocked at what had just happened. Because I was so embarrassed, I left to the bathroom and started crying again because I was so embarrassed. I didn't even want to leave the bathroom because there were people everywhere that had watched me. At last my mother came to the bathroom to get me so we could leave. The next day my teacher that was behind me when I was speaking at the district made an announcement thanking the kid and I for showing up and supporting the school. I even got a Jamba Juice from a teacher I didn't even know because he said that I was really brave to stand up in front of all those people and talk about our school. I think after all, it was worth it.

The Science Camp Bathroom

So it all happened when they took us to science camp. While in science camp, they would always take us on hikes that were very tiring because it was really hot at the time. There was one hike I absolutely remember because there were something really awkward and embarrassing that happened. During the hike, a lot of the students were complaining that they needed to go to the bathroom including me. We had to walk a bit more because there were not bathrooms in the middle of the woods. Because there were a lot of people that needed to go to the bathroom, I had to wait and I was the last one. There was this kid before me that was my friend. A lot of people went to the bathroom and it was finally the turn of my friend. So he went inside the bathroom and I was waiting. I thought he finished so I was excited to go to the bathroom at last. I opened the door.....and I saw his butt cheeks. He looked back and had like a "what are you doing?" face. When that happened, I was so shocked that I stayed staring at him for like 5 seconds and finally, I came to life and closed the door as quickly as I could. The teacher saw me and asked if anyone was in the bathroom and I said no because I didn't want her to know that I saw my friend using the bathroom.

I didn't get to go to the bathroom.

Until this day, I still don't know if that kid remembers or not because we are still friends.